Sorting Out the HHS Guidance for Cares Act Provider Relief Funds and Other Funding Requirements

8 December 2020

Through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), healthcare providers throughout the United States have received Provider Relief Funds (PRF) and Medicare Advanced Payments (MAP) to offset lost revenues, COVID expenses, and reduced cash flows as a result of the pandemic. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published an initial response to a Frequent Asked Question (FAQ) indicating that a recipient could estimate lost revenue by any reasonable method. Later, in September 2020, HHS published reporting requirements that were contrary to the FAQ response where they narrowly defined “lost revenues”, limiting it to a negative change in year-over-year patient care operating net income. On October 22, 2020, HHS again issued revised instructions indicating that providers can use funds in 2020 to cover the difference between their 2019 and 2020 actual patient care revenue with some adjustments for COVID-related expenses. Additional FAQs continue to be released related to these programs. During this webinar, our expert panelists will offer their opinions and insights into this ever-changing guidance and its impact on revenue recognition. Panelists will also discuss the accounting for PRF and MAP.


  • Mike Shamblin
  • Matt Stuart
  • Mark Kawaucki
  • Tyler Bernier
  • Thao Greipp

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